"IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT... AND I FEEL FINE" It's the End of the World As We Know It, R.E.M. The moments in history when our view of the world has changed suddenly and dramatically are so etched into conscience that they are recalled solely by date: September 11th, November 22nd, December 7th. Markets are dynamic and constantly changing and sometimes that change is dramatic and can be recalled by a year: 1929, 2001 or 2008. However, unlike moments in history where the gravity and significance of an event is immediately apparent, market events tend to distill more slowly until a collective consensus is reached that leads to a watershed move. The last couple of weeks, domestic markets have begun to react to the stress that's been rocking Asian markets for months. Now, there is evidence that there has been a shift in thinking about market risk going forward. I've previously written about the scenario known as 'contango' where docile vo